
Showing posts from February, 2018

Hey Y'all - Expect a Health Insurance Rate Hike in 2018

Health Insurance...we all need it and yet the insurance companies, government and special interests keep messing with it to make a profit!  Since when is our health care a for profit business?  Kinda makes me feel violated.  Not to mention the discussions and laws being put forth for women's reproductive health.  I believe my health and wellness is my responsibility, yet I am dependent on this system to make sure I have the proper medical care.  Personally, I shop the plans, compare premiums, look for the lowest deductibles so my out of pocket expenses are not outrageous, in addition to the monthly premium's I'm paying.  Even though I take all of these steps and make sure my questions are answered, I still feel like I'm getting the short end of the stick.  Recently, I had to go to the doctor for a diagnosis on something, additional tests such as an ultrasound were ordered.  After the tests were done, a few weeks later, I get the bill for the...

Hey Y'All Georgian's are paying more for car insurance

It's true, Georgian's are paying the highest rates for car insurance.  The rates continue to go up every 6 months.  One insurance company submits a rate change to the Insurance Commissioner and the other insurance companies have to follow suit with rate increases, usually less than the initial company.  The reason, is to remain competitive.  Since the individual agencies have no pull in determining the rates their only choice is to adjust or lower coverage for a customer so as to lower the rate for their 6 month period.  What do you do when you've lowered the rate to the state minimum for Liability?  There's no room to reduce premium the next renewal.  The result of this is that the customer either pays the higher rate increases each renewal or they shop and find a better rate somewhere else, only to find that rate going up in another 6 months.  It's a continuous game of either sucking it up and staying where you are at or jumping around from co...

Life Insurance or a Go Fund Me Account?

It's uncomfortable as a topic but it is necessary to talk about.  I might not have noticed this before becoming an insurance agent.  It is the rising number of Go Fund Me pages being put out to take care of tragic situations involving a sudden loss of a loved one.  Being a planner (for the most part), when my husband and I found out we were having our daughter, I immediately looked into Life Insurance as an option to save for the future and protect our precious baby girl.  When I speak of Life Insurance, I'm not talking about insurance for my husband and I only, I'm talking about insurance for my daughter as well. My husband and I invested in life insurance policies for us both, we started with term and later converted some of the term over to an Index Universal Life Policy to build up cash value for retirement or a rainy day.  For my daughter, we invested in a Whole Life Policy with a moderate face value.  The purpose of this was two-fold, 1) to provid...