Hey Y'all - Expect a Health Insurance Rate Hike in 2018

Health Insurance...we all need it and yet the insurance companies, government and special interests keep messing with it to make a profit!  Since when is our health care a for profit business?  Kinda makes me feel violated.  Not to mention the discussions and laws being put forth for women's reproductive health. 

I believe my health and wellness is my responsibility, yet I am dependent on this system to make sure I have the proper medical care. 

Personally, I shop the plans, compare premiums, look for the lowest deductibles so my out of pocket expenses are not outrageous, in addition to the monthly premium's I'm paying.  Even though I take all of these steps and make sure my questions are answered, I still feel like I'm getting the short end of the stick. 

Recently, I had to go to the doctor for a diagnosis on something, additional tests such as an ultrasound were ordered.  After the tests were done, a few weeks later, I get the bill for the test in the mail.  I'm now needing to pay for over $400 as my out of pocket portion for those tests.  This has the reverse effect on me and makes me think, what if I just stuck it out and didn't go to the doctor to find out what was wrong?  I wouldn't now need to come up with the $400 plus.  But, having gone, getting the tests reviewed has opened the door to solving the problem at hand.  It's like a double edged sword. 

Throughout 2016 and 2017 I had Ambetter and did not appreciate the coverage at all.  However, not realizing the premiums were going up in 2018, I did find a plan through Kaiser (my preferred choice) and it was the same amount as Ambetter, but with very reduced out of pocket expenses.  Now, I'm seeing from the article published in the Georgia Insurance news that the rates for Blue Cross, Blue Shield and Ambetter are raising for 2018. 

See the related article: http://www.macon.com/news/local/article175842756.html

In other words, the mediocre coverage I received through Ambetter was going to go up if I had stayed with them.  I'm getting a better quality coverage through Kaiser and paying the same but less out of pocket. 

What are your experiences with the 2018 Health Care coverage?  Are your rates going up or down?  I'm curious to hear from Y'all. 


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